My Partners in crime

Friday, November 5, 2010

Rodger the cockroach

So... for the last couple of months I had this disgusting little cockroach living in my car. The nasty little creep only came out at night, when he is most disgusting, to taunt me. Apparently he lives in my air vents and every night when I get into my car he hides in there... After a while I decided to name him. Steff came up with the perfect name..... Rodger(but with an accent like rojjah). So by now every ones used to him.

Yesterday, or last night, he got the guts to just sit there when I got into my car-very unusual. I sat there for a second, waiting for him to crawl back home, but he didn't. I got a little cautious so I began to blow on him. Instead of crawling back into his usual hiding area, he crawled more towards me, which unexpectedly creeped me out so I screamed.. but still not in his hole. So I took an envelope I found on the passenger seat and swooped him out of my car, as I screamed the second time. Unfortunate for myself, I scooped him onto my own bare foot, which caused me to scream for the third time. By this time Steff and Sab poked their heads out their window(because I was leaving their home) to see if I was alright. I explained the situation and they both congratulated me with my long anticipated success. The End.