My Partners in crime

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hilo Trip with Steff.

 So I needed to go to Hilo to get some college stuff out of the way. I needed to hand in my application, some proof of residency and some other documents. This was the perfect time for a GET-A-WAY trip for Steff and, it was a perfect time to capture the breathtaking scenery along the way. Our trip ended up being pretty dang fun, as we took turns driving and blasted the music the whole way there and back...

Along the way, we saw amazing meadows and valleys.....well ok, maybe not meadows, but valleys for sure. And let me tell you, the were incredible. The fields were beautifully watered and spread apart, with the perfect shade of green and the precise amount of treas that scattered ideally. I had a lot of fun taking pictures of them.. and no, we did not stop to take the pictures (well once in the beginning). Instead, I took them as I drove. Yes, some might argue its a little dangerous driving 70mph on a windy road, but I can assure you, I took precautions and slowed when necessary...

Overall Id say I got some pretty decent pictures. And, both Steff and I are obviously safe and very much alive. Anyways, these are just a few of the piks I took (which is nearly 200 if you really want to know.)

 The sky was as if painted for me personally!!!! As Ive mentioned before, I LOVE CLOUDS

So after we get through with the college stuff (I have to add, I really loved this place, even though its old and a little scraggy. It seems perfect for me), we decided to explore town a little. Yes, Hilo isnt the most exciting place, if you come without having planned something already. But, as it was Steff and I who were embarked on this journey, we came up with the best thing anyone could think of. WE FOUND A McD's!!!!! Of coarse, finding it was no easy task. Somehow we both were overwhelmed by blondness, and got the directions confused on our phone Navigation's. (In our defense, however, we were on the phone with an important matter). Anyways, when we did finally order, you could have confused it to be a group of guys' order... each of us got three sandwich's, fries and Sundays....disgusting I know, BUT we were hungry, and we like McDs...

 Afterwards, we drove around for a little bit, trying to find something else we could do with the little time we had left. We somehow came across a HUGE Japanese garden! and this place was gorgeous!!! We walked the trail took some pictures here and there... About an hour into it, it started to sprinkle so we made our way back to our car and took off before the weather got ugly..


 Here's the funny story, tho. As we started out on our way home, it was already sprinkling and getting dark. And apparently, the rumors about Hilos FOG were true.. I was getting a little anxious even, since I dont normally drive through FOG this thick, ever. To top things off, there was construction ongoing for a straight 18 miles, gravel road on one way-lanes (that was our highway being expanded). So I was the snail at the beginning of the traffic, who was too worried and cautious to speed up...that meant going like thirty minutes on gravel road going 30mph. I felt bad for the honking cars behind me, but I wasnt about to place myself, and Steff, into danger because of peoples impatience. As soon as the two-way lanes hit, all the cars, and I mean, ALL, the cars passes us. I was so confused!!! How could all those people not be worried to drive through this thick FOG in the fast approaching night? Then Steff remembered a very important FACT about my car.. My window fogs up when theres moisture inside of my car-which meant double the amount of FOG inside my car, then there was outside! We turn on the de-fogger thingy, and sure enough, we can see clearly now, the rain had gone.... at the same second both of us look at each other and start bust laughing our stomachs to pain. All those poor impatient people behind us probably thought we were incompetent or something! Haha.. Anyways then we spend up and got home shortly after. The End.
Overall it was a pretty decent trip, and surprisingly, I really did enjoy Hilo. 

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